
Davor Rostuhar – Degustacija slobode

Degustacija slobode
author: Davor Rostuhar

Croatian edition

In an era when tourism has become one of the biggest industries in the world, and when each year more than a billion people journey beyond the borders of their native countries, Davor Rostuhar searches for answers to several important questions: Why do we like to travel so much? How do our journeys change us? What impact, both positive and negative, does traveling have on our vulnerable planet?

The answers, the author finds, lie at the intersection of history, science, and lessons learned during a decade of globe-trotting. This book is in the realm of popular science as it is permeated by the perspectives on the phenomenon of travel offered by sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, and other scholars. ‘The Journey’s Magic’ is so deeply intimate and inspiring that a strong desire to set out to the Journey will overcome the reader. Nevertheless, the reader will stay in the comfort of their home and continue reading, realizing that the book itself – as the author says – is a big and unrepeatable journey. It is an adventure that will tell you how to travel more reasonably, more responsibly, and more sustainably. It will teach you to believe in miracles and the magic of the Journey, as well as how to join a quiet revolution of those who already travel in order to make the world a better place.




Zašto je sloboda tako blisko vezana uz putovanje? Zato što se na putu oslobađamo svih onih utega svakodnevnice. U našoj svakodnevnici zapravo se ponašamo po brojnim obrascima, kalupima. Rutina nas određuje. Iz dana u dan učvršćujemo kalupe i gradimo identitet. Kad jednom odemo na put, kad se izmjestimo, svi ti kalupi ostaju iza nas. Doma možemo biti predsjednik države ili rock zvijezda, ali kad se nađemo u nekom selu u Africi gdje nas nitko ne zna, možemo se samo zapitati tko smo zaista. Naš dan u svakodnevnici često određuje niz nužnosti, a naše svakodnevne odluke nisu samo naše. Na putu, pak, svako jutro donosi novi start i novi paket mogućnosti, a mi svakim korakom i svakom odlukom kreiramo svoju sudbinu.

Check out other books by Davor Rostuhar.


Croatian edition
208 pages
Soft binding
Dimensions: 21×14 cm

Additional information

Weight 0,384 kg
Dimensions 21x14cm